Whether recreational athlete or professional: If you got the impression that your muscles often lack necessary energy, our Sport Boost could be just the right thing to supply your body with essential minerals and vitamins.
If the stores of the muscles are well filled, we can train persistently and with fun.
L-methionine, taurine, L-lysine HCL, L-phenylalanine, and other active ingredients in our Sport Boost Infusion help to convert carbohydrates into energy. This is because the body gains energy by burning carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. All body cells are the basis for this energy production. You just have to activate them!
Help your body to fill up with new energy for your sport in a relaxed way – with our individual Sport Boost infusion in our practice!
Private health insurance often covers the complete costs or a part of it, depending on your tariff. Please just contact us.
Tel. 030 – 810 509 41