P-Shot® – effectively treat erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is an issue that affects many men, but few talk openly about it. It can be frustrating and stressful when you realize that things just aren’t working properly anymore. But there is hope. A new, modern and super simple method for treating erectile dysfunction is the P-Shot®. This treatment, which is becoming increasingly popular in medical practice, uses the body’s natural healing powers to improve sexual health and performance. But what exactly is behind the P-Shot®, how does this miracle cure work, and who is it suitable for? We’ll explain all of this to you in our article below.

What is the P-Shot®?

The P-Shot® is a modern and innovative treatment method specifically designed to improve male sexual health. The name “P-Shot®” stands for “Priapus Shot”, a reference to Priapus, the god of fertility in Greek mythology. But instead of mythology, this treatment is based on modern medicine.

With the P-Shot®, the patient’s own blood plasma is used to specifically promote blood flow and the tissue in the penis. A small amount of blood is taken and the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted using a special process. This PRP is rich in growth factors that are responsible for the regeneration of tissue and the improvement of blood flow.

The P-Shot® is a minimally invasive and gentle treatment option that is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Since the PRP comes from the patient’s own blood, this method is very safe and the risk of side effects is very low. The P-Shot® therefore offers a natural and effective way to treat erectile dysfunction, improve sexual experience and enlarge the penis.

What are the advantages of the P-Shot®?

The P-Shot® offers numerous benefits for men who want to improve their sexual health naturally. One of the biggest advantages of this treatment is that it uses the body’s own healing powers to achieve lasting results.

Improvement of erectile function and sexual experience:

The P-Shot® promotes improved blood flow to the penis, resulting in firmer and longer-lasting erections. At the same time, sensitivity increases, which intensifies the sexual experience.

Penis enlargement and strengthening of the corpora cavernosa:

The targeted application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) supports the growth and regeneration of penile tissue. This not only strengthens the corpora cavernosa, but can also cause a visible enlargement of the penis.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction:

The P-Shot® effectively helps treat erectile dysfunction by activating the body’s natural healing powers. This treatment offers a safe and quick solution for men who want to restore their sexual performance.

Promoting tissue regeneration:

The growth factors in PRP promote tissue regeneration, which contributes to the overall health of the penis and improves sexual function in the long term.

What advantages does the P-Shot® method offer compared to other variants?

Safe and minimally invasive:

The P-Shot® uses the patient’s own blood, which virtually eliminates the risk of side effects or allergic reactions. The treatment is minimally invasive and is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so no long recovery time is necessary.

Natural solution:

The P-Shot® offers a natural alternative to drug treatments or invasive surgical procedures. This method uses the body’s own resources to gently and effectively improve sexual health.

No chemical additives:

Since the P-Shot® uses only the body’s own substances, no chemical additives or foreign substances are necessary. This makes the method particularly well tolerated and reduces the risk of complications.

Quickly visible results:

Many patients notice initial improvements after just a few weeks. The regenerative effect of the P-Shot® develops quickly, meaning that results can often be achieved more quickly than with other methods.

How does the P-Shot® treatment work?

The P-Shot method involves taking a small amount of blood from the patient’s arm and processing it in a machine to produce what is known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This plasma contains many growth factors that promote tissue healing and regeneration. The PRP is then injected into specific areas of the penis to improve blood flow and renew tissue. In this way, the P-Shot® can naturally relieve erection problems and other sexual disorders.

How does the P-Shot® treatment work?


Before the treatment begins, the doctor will have a detailed discussion with the patient to discuss their individual needs and expectations. It is also ensured that the patient is well informed and that there are no medical concerns.

The treatment:

Then a small amount of blood is taken from the patient’s arm. This blood is processed in a special machine to extract the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Before the PRP is injected, the area of the penis where it is injected is given a local anesthetic so that the treatment is not painful. The PRP is then injected into specific areas of the penis using a fine needle. The whole procedure takes no more than 60 minutes.


After the treatment, the patient can immediately return to his or her normal activities. There are no restrictions. The effect of the P-Shot® is often visible after just a few weeks, and the best results are usually achieved after a few months. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated to increase the effect and maintain it for a long time.

What can the P-Shot® do and does it help with erectile dysfunction?

Through the targeted use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), not only can erectile dysfunction be treated gently, but general function and sensitivity can also be increased. Here are a few examples:

  • Firmer and longer lasting erections
  • Increased sexual sensitivity
  • Improved nutrient supply to the tissue
  • Reduction of inflammatory processes
  • Stimulates the growth of new nerves and blood vessels
  • Support of tissue regeneration
  • Natural help for erectile dysfunction

P-Shot® treatment in Berlin

The P-Shot® treatment is usually carried out by urologists or doctors specializing in sexual medicine. It is important to make sure that the doctor has experience with this treatment and is well trained. If you are looking for a P-Shot® treatment in Berlin, you can do it at Expert Medical. We are experts in the field of sexual medicine and offer the P-Shot® treatment professionally and safely. You can find all further information on our P-Shot Treatment Berlin page.


Who is the P-Shot® suitable for?

The P-Shot® is particularly suitable for men who want to improve their sexual health naturally. It can be a good option for:

  • Men with erectile dysfunction
  • Men who want to strengthen their erectile function
  • Men who seek increased sexual sensitivity and performance
  • Men looking for a natural alternative to medication or invasive procedures

Who is the P-Shot® method not suitable for?

However, the P-Shot® is not suitable for everyone. The treatment may be less effective or unsuitable for:

  • Men with blood clotting disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications (except ASS 100)
  • Men with active cancer of the prostate, penis or pelvic floor area
  • Men wearing a penile prosthesis
  • Men who are allergic to local anesthetics
  • Men with active infections or severe inflammation in the treatment area

Are there any risks with the P-Shot®?

The P-Shot® is considered a very safe treatment with minimal risks because it uses the patient’s own blood plasma. Since no foreign substances are used, the risk of allergic reactions or intolerances is virtually eliminated. The few possible but rare side effects include:

  • Short-term mild swelling or redness: In rare cases, slight swelling or redness may occur at the injection sites, but this will quickly subside.
  • Small bruises: Very rarely, small bruises can occur, but they heal quickly.

When can I expect the first results from the P-Shot®?

psychology, mental therapy and people concept - smiling senior woman psychologist with clipboard talking to young man patient at psychotherapy session

The first positive changes after P-Shot® treatment often become apparent after just 2 to 3 weeks. At this point, many patients report improved erectile function and increased sensitivity. The maximum effect is usually achieved after about 3 months, when the tissue has completely regenerated. The results last for several months, often even up to a year or longer. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated to maintain the effects.

Other treatment options for erectile dysfunction

In addition to the P-Shot®, there are various approaches to treating erectile dysfunction:

  • Medication: Drugs such as Viagra or Cialis improve blood flow to the penis, making it easier to get an erection. They work quickly, but are not suitable for everyone.
  • Hormone therapy: If testosterone levels are low, hormone therapy can improve sexual function but should be done under medical supervision.
  • Penile implants: In severe cases, surgical penile implants may provide a permanent solution when other methods do not work.
  • Vacuum pumps: This non-invasive method uses negative pressure to create an erection and can be combined with a tension ring to maintain it.
  • Sex therapy: If psychological factors such as stress or anxiety play a role, therapy can help treat the underlying causes.
  • Lifestyle changes: A healthy diet, regular exercise and avoiding smoking and alcohol can have a positive effect on erectile function.
  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy: In ESWT, sound waves are directed into the cavernous tissue, creating pressure and tension forces. These stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and blood flow to the cavernous bodies.


P-Shot® for erectile dysfunction

What to do if you have erectile dysfunction?

If you notice erectile dysfunction, the first step is to consult a doctor to determine the cause. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical, psychological or medication-related factors. Depending on the cause, the doctor may suggest various treatment options, such as medication, hormone therapy, psychotherapy or special treatments such as the P-Shot®. Lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, exercise and stress reduction can also be helpful.

What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is characterized by a man having difficulty getting or maintaining an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. This can occur occasionally or regularly and often affects self-confidence and quality of life. Other signs may include reduced sexual desire and difficulty ejaculating.

What is a P-Shot® treatment?

The P-Shot® treatment (Priapus Shot) is an innovative therapy to improve sexual health in men. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted from the patient’s own blood and injected into the penis. The PRP promotes blood flow, regeneration and sensitivity of the tissue, which can lead to stronger erections and increased sexual sensitivity. The treatment is minimally invasive, well tolerated and offers a natural alternative to medication and surgical interventions.

How much does a P-Shot® treatment cost?

The cost of a P-Shot® treatment can vary depending on the provider and region, but is usually around €800 per session. Since this is a specialized treatment, the costs are usually borne privately, as they are generally not covered by health insurance companies.

Can the erectile tissue be regenerated?

Yes, the erectile tissue in the penis can be regenerated, especially through treatments such as the P-Shot®. The P-Shot® uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the patient’s own blood, which is rich in growth factors. These factors promote healing, blood flow and tissue regeneration, which can lead to strengthening and renewal of the erectile tissue. This can improve the function and firmness of the tissue, which has a positive effect on erectile function.

How often should the P-Shot® be used?

The frequency of the P-Shot® treatment is initially set at 3 appointments. These take place at intervals of 3 to 6 weeks.

What should I expect after the P-Shot® treatment?

After the P-Shot® treatment, there is nothing to worry about. You can do sports and have sex.

What stimulates potency?

Potency can be stimulated by various factors and measures:
  • Healthy diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats supports general health and blood circulation, which promotes potency.
  • Regular exercise: Physical activity improves blood flow and can help reduce erection problems.
  • Stress reduction: Stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on potency. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or simply spending time on hobbies can help improve potency.
  • Enough sleep: Sufficient sleep is important for hormonal balance and sexual health.
  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: these habits can damage blood vessels and impair potency.
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