Sexual Therapy Berlin

Love, desire and sexuality are important parts of our lives. But it is often not easy to talk about sexual feelings and experiences. This topic is often associated with shame and insecurity. Because everyone experiences sexuality differently; what is exciting for one person may not be interesting for another, and these preferences can also change over the course of life. Reflecting on yourself and communicating openly are the first steps to a more fulfilling life. At EXPERTMEDICAL we help you to understand your needs, solve problems and find sexual fulfillment.

Sex therapy: What is it?

Sex therapy offers you psychological support and space to discuss all the questions and challenges that affect your sexuality. In a safe environment, you can talk openly about your worries, desires and needs. We not only look at the physical aspects, but also understand the emotional and cognitive components of your sexuality. It all starts with an initial conversation in which we find out together what you need and how we can help you. Whether you come alone or with your partner, our goal is to support you on your way to a happier and healthier sex life.

Physical components

Sexuality includes physical aspects such as desire, arousal and the act itself. This includes topics such as self-perception of your own desire, how arousal arises in you and what role physical changes play in this, such as age, illness or hormonal phases.

Cognitive component

Thoughts, values and attitudes play a major role in sexuality. Cognitive components include the way we think about sexuality, how we perceive it ourselves and what beliefs are anchored in us.

Emotional components

Emotions are an essential part of sexuality. They influence desire, arousal and the way in which intimacy and closeness are experienced. It’s about what does sex mean to you? Security, relaxation, affirmation, shame or feelings of powerlessness?

Sexual therapy Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

In Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf we offer sex therapy for individuals and couples. With us you will find a safe space, free from any judgment. We are here to help you, whether you have difficulty talking to your partner about intimate topics, are sexually dissatisfied, feel emotional blockages or simply want to learn more about your sexuality.

Sexual therapy in Berlin

In our sex therapy in Berlin, we support you in discovering new solutions and ways in your love life. We help you to break old relationship patterns, recognize your deepest desires and overcome challenges. Whether you have an excessive desire for sex or you lack the desire, the reasons often lie in past or current difficulties, such as problematic relationships. Together we work towards enabling you to have a more satisfied and healthier sex life.

Goals of sex therapy

We help you to understand what happened and to find solutions. Here are some of the goals of our sex therapy:

  • Improving communication: Helping couples or individuals talk openly about sexual desires, needs and boundaries.
  • Solution to sexual dysfunction: Treatment of problems such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, vaginismus or lack of desire.
  • Increasing sexual satisfaction: supporting the exploration and improvement of sexual experience.
  • Dealing with emotional blockages: working through traumas or fears that affect sexuality.
  • Promoting self-acceptance: Helping to build a positive body image and self-esteem.
  • Addressing specific sexual interests or identities: Support with questions about sexual orientation or the acceptance of particular sexual preferences.
  • Dealing with relationship problems: Developing solutions to conflicts that negatively impact sexuality.

Common concerns in sex therapy

Sexual therapy for women

We at ExpertMedical are experts in the field of sex therapy. We are familiar with both physical problems and psychological stress. Common problems that women come to us for are the following:

  • Pain during sexual intercourse and recurring symptoms of illness (cystitis/fungal infections)
  • Female dysfunctions such as orgasm disorders, vaginal cramps, etc.
  • Lack of sexual arousal or desire
  • Insecurity, shame, fear of failure and sexual confusion
  • Effects of menopause on sexuality
  • Emotional blockages due to previous traumatic sexual abuse experiences
  • Influence of pregnancy and motherhood on sexuality
  • Experiences of violence, violent fantasies
  • Sexual affairs

Sexual therapy for men

  • Erectile dysfunction, such as premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, etc.
  • Sex addiction
  • Sexual insecurity
  • Pornography addiction
  • Lack of sexual arousal or desire
  • Insecurity, shame, fear of failure and sexual confusion
  • Effects of andropause on sexuality
  • Emotional blockages due to previous traumatic experiences of sexual abuse/violence
  • Visits to prostitutes
  • Sexual affairs

Methods of sex therapy and sex counseling

The choice of method in sex therapy is usually made after the first consultation.

  • Talk therapy
  • Body-oriented and energetic therapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Systemic counseling and family therapy
  • Depth psychological process work

How does sex therapy work

Talking about your own sexuality is a very intimate topic that requires courage and trust. However, sex therapy can be a big step towards a more fulfilling life. With us, you can be yourself, without shame or fear. We are there to support you and help you.


The first step is always a consultation. This is your first meeting with the therapist. This phase is about creating a trusting basis. You will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and clarify initial questions. Together we will determine what goals you want to achieve and what the path to achieving them might look like.


In sex therapy, we do not understand examination as a medical examination, but rather as an in-depth exploration of your personal and partner sexuality. We look at which factors – emotional, psychological and sometimes physical – influence your sexual health. This step is important in order to understand what could help you to experience your sexuality more fulfillingly.


During the course of treatment, we use various therapeutic methods that are specifically tailored to your needs. This can include talk therapy, behavioral therapy approaches or body-oriented exercises. The aim is to give you tools with which you can actively work on improving your situation. We rely on practices that have proven effective in the past and adapt them to the individual.


You are not alone throughout the entire process. As your therapist, I will accompany you through all the ups and downs. We will reflect on progress together, adapt strategies and ensure that you feel supported and safe on your way. The length of therapy can vary, but you will be surrounded by support and understanding at every step.

Sex therapy and couples counseling

You will find support with us, whether you want to try new things as a couple or want to change something in your love life on your own. Our sex therapy and couples counseling offers you a safe space to talk openly and honestly about your needs, wishes and worries. We help you to understand each other better and to find solutions together that will strengthen your relationship and improve your sexual well-being.


About me

I am a specialist with extensive experience and a deep understanding of the physical and psychological aspects of health. In my sexual medicine practice, I advise individuals and couples on all kinds of sexual problems. After studying medicine at the Charité – Free University of Berlin and further training at various renowned Berlin clinics, I worked as an employed specialist and later as a partner in a large group practice. In my practice, I attach great importance to sensitive and individual care. Openness, respect and empathy are the cornerstones of my work. My goal is for you to feel well looked after and understood by me. Your health and well-being are my top priority.

Advice on site and online

No matter where you are, we are here for you. You can choose to come to our practice in person or prefer the flexibility of an online consultation. Both options offer you the same quality of advice so you get the support you need to make positive changes in your life. We use secure methods to ensure that your privacy is always protected, whether we meet in person or digitally.

How much does sex therapy cost?

medicine, healthcare and people concept - female doctor with clipboard talking to smiling woman patient at hospital

You can use my sex therapy as an individual or as a couple. I would be happy to advise you personally in my centrally located practice in Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, where you will find a safe and trusting space for your concerns. Alternatively, you have the option of booking an online appointment from the comfort of your own home. I offer sessions of 60 or 90 minutes in order to be able to respond to your individual needs and situations in the best possible way. The prices are around €300-€350 per session, depending on how long a session lasts.

How long does sex therapy last?

Regular sessions are very important for couples therapy, sex therapy and psychotherapy. We recommend making an appointment at least every two weeks. If the intervals are longer, such as once a month or every three weeks, it is often more difficult to achieve profound changes and ensure lasting success. We recommend a bi-weekly rhythm, especially at the beginning of therapy. In particularly stressful times or with acute problems, weekly sessions can be useful in order to make faster progress. This is particularly important in the case of strong conflicts, difficult phases of life or during a separation. Over the course of therapy, we will adjust the frequency of appointments together to suit your current situation and the developments in your relationship. Of course, we also offer flexible sessions, especially if you need immediate support or a new perspective. We support some clients for years with irregular appointments. We see this type of support more as coaching or advice than as continuous therapy that deals intensively with personal issues.


Questions and answers about sex therapy

How much does sex therapy cost?

The cost of sex therapy can vary depending on the length and number of sessions you require. We offer different rates to suit the different needs of our clients. The price is approximately €300 per hour.

When is sex therapy useful?

Sex therapy can be helpful if you are experiencing difficulties or dissatisfaction in your sex life. This may include sexual dysfunction, problems with sexual desire, or difficulties in relationships. If you feel that these issues are affecting your well-being, therapy may be the right step.

Is sex therapy covered by health insurance?

Some private health insurance companies cover or subsidize psychotherapy, sex therapy or relationship therapy with us. However, couples therapy is not usually covered by health insurance companies. In certain, well-founded cases, however, individual therapy for two people can be combined. In order to clarify whether your health insurance company will cover the costs of therapy with us, your contract must specify that alternative practitioner services will be covered. If your private health insurance company covers services according to the alternative practitioner fee schedule, there is a good chance that the costs will be covered. Unfortunately, we are unable to bill according to the regular fee schedule for psychotherapists. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.

What do you do in sex therapy?

In sex therapy, we work on the sexual and emotional challenges you are experiencing. This includes conversations where you can openly share your feelings and experiences, as well as specific exercises and techniques aimed at improving your sexual health and wellbeing. Our goal is to show you ways to live a more fulfilling and happier sexual life.

What inhibits sex drive in women?

A woman’s sex drive can be affected by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, stress, fatigue, certain medications and psychological stress. Relationship problems can also play a major role. In therapy, we can work together to find out which factors play a role in your case and how you can address them.

How long does sex therapy/couple therapy/psychotherapy take

The length of therapy depends largely on your individual needs and goals. Some people notice an improvement after just a few sessions, while others stay in therapy for a longer period. On average, therapies last a few months, and we regularly assess progress and adjust the therapy plan accordingly. However, after 5 months, you can usually see a lot of progress.

How does sex therapy work?

Sex therapy begins with an initial consultation in which we discuss your situation and goals in detail. In the following sessions, we work through conversations and targeted exercises to understand and overcome your sexual and emotional challenges. The process is designed to give you practical tools to improve your well-being.

How often should one attend a sex therapy session?

For couples therapy, sex therapy and psychotherapy it is important to have regular sessions. We recommend scheduling a session at least every two weeks. When sessions are less frequent, such as once a month or every three weeks, we have found that it is more difficult to achieve profound changes and ensure long-term success. We recommend a bi-weekly rhythm, especially at the beginning of therapy. In very stressful times or in the case of acute problems, even weekly appointments are useful, as they help to make faster progress. This is especially the case in times of serious conflict, difficult phases of life or during a separation. Over time, we will adapt the frequency of appointments together to your current situation and the developments in your relationship. Of course, we also offer flexible sessions, especially when our clients need immediate support or a new perspective. We accompany some clients over years with irregular appointments. We see this type of support more as coaching or counseling and not as continuous therapy that deals intensively with personal issues.
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